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We count on support from
those who believe in our mission. 

There are several ways you can help!


Your monetary donation helps us purchase snacks for the weekend food program and supplies we need to keep the program going. Monetary donations qualify for the Arizona 321 State Tax Credit.


Recurring monthly donations help to ensure our ability to provide for those in need with consistency.


You can also register your Amazon account with Amazon Smile and they'll donate a portion of your shopping total to us at no cost to you!


We exist because of the love and service of our donors and volunteers. We have an ongoing need for hands to help pack weekend care packages, people to coordinate fundraisers and food drives and the donation of professional services like: graphic design, web design, marketing, public relations, administrative services, event management, networking, fundraising.


Email us at to let us know how you’d like to help.

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We help feed local kids by generous contributions from our neighbors.



Your donation could be eligible for a dollar-per-dollar Arizona Tax Credit!

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Our organization is powered by neighborhood volunteers. 



Caring Coalition AZ is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and a “Qualifying Charitable Organization” for Arizona Tax Credit 321. Consult your tax preparer.  EIN 474003960   QCO code: 20773

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